if(! EL){ function EasyLayer(){ } EasyLayer.prototype={ vendor : 'Refero Group SRL', product : 'Easy Layer', version : '0.9', vendorWeb : 'http://www.referogroup.com', web : 'http://www.easylayer.info', appendChild : true, bringToParent : true, childs : new Array(), iFrames : new Array(), parentEL : false, parent : false, CFDevMode : false, messageClsTimeInSec : 10, messageShow : true, hashAddressing : false, // ---------------- hashNoListenIfPre : '_', hashDest : '', hashDefAddress : '', aHashOnSend : false, aHashOnLoad : false, aHashSendPost : {'EL_load_via_ajax' : 'true'}, replaceAHrefToHash : false, // ----------- loadHashAfterPageDone : true, hashToPageOnLoad : true, control : false, alt : false, shift : false, keysArray : new Array(), AdobeFlash : false, aReqType : 'GET', aIsAsync : true, aOnSend : false, aOnLoad : false, xmlhttp : false, aDest : '', aDestFunction : false, aLoaderSameDest : false, replaceRadioBox : false, replaceCheckBox : false, replaceSelects : false, replaceAlerts : false, ieCanvasInit : true, selectMaxVizRows : 15, SWFileUpload : '/ELFilesUpload-1.0.0.swf', replaceFileUpload : true, multipleFileUpload : true, fileUploadEmptyText : 'For upload files click here', fileUploadSelectedText : 'One or more file(s) selected', browserSpeed : 0, submitErrorStyle : '; 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' + this.product + ' v' + this.version + ' is working fine!'); }, __master : function(){ EL.systemI += EL.refreshTimeInMiliSec; if(EL.messageI > (EL.messageClsTimeInSec * 1000)) EL.message(); if(EL.messageI > 0) EL.messageI += EL.refreshTimeInMiliSec; for(var sfKey in EL.staticFunctions){ var xargs = ''; for(var argKey in EL.staticFunctionArgs[sfKey]) xargs += ', EL.staticFunctionArgs[sfKey][' + argKey + ']'; eval('EL.staticFunctions[sfKey](sfKey' + xargs + ');'); } EL.tmpDynamicFunctions = new Array(); EL.tmpDynamicFunctionArgs = new Array(); for(var dfKey in EL.dynamicFunctions){ EL.tmpDynamicFunctions[dfKey] = EL.dynamicFunctions[dfKey]; EL.tmpDynamicFunctionArgs[dfKey] = EL.dynamicFunctionArgs[dfKey]; } EL.dynamicFunctions = new Array(); EL.dynamicFunctionArgs = new Array(); for(var dfKey in EL.tmpDynamicFunctions){ var xargs = ''; for(var argKey in EL.tmpDynamicFunctionArgs[dfKey]) xargs += ', EL.tmpDynamicFunctionArgs[dfKey][' + argKey + ']'; eval('EL.tmpDynamicFunctions[dfKey](dfKey' + xargs + ');'); } }, init : function(){ if(! this.initFunctionLoaded){ this.initFunctionLoaded = true; try{ if(navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash']){ FLVer = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'].enabledPlugin.description.split(' '); delete FLVer[0]; delete FLVer[1]; this.AdobeFlash = FLVer.join(' ').trim(); }else{ try{ try { var axo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6'); try { axo.AllowScriptAccess = 'always'; } catch(e) { FLVer = '6,0,0'; } } catch(e) {} FLVer = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version').replace(/\D+/g, ',').match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1]; this.AdobeFlash = FLVer.replace(/,/g, '.'); }catch(e){} } }catch(e){} // this.browserSpeed = this.getBrowserSpeed(); window['o'] = window['O'] = new Array(); // setInterval(this.__master, this.refreshTimeInMiliSec); } }, load : function(){ if(! this.loadFunctionLoaded){ this.loadFunctionLoaded = true; // this.browserSpeed = this.getBrowserSpeed(); this.connectDocuments(); window.events('keydown', function(e){ var key = (window.event) ? event : e; EL.control = key.controlKey; EL.alt = key.altKey; EL.shift = key.altShift; }); window.events('keypress', function(e){ var key = (window.event) ? event : e; EL.control = key.controlKey; EL.alt = key.altKey; EL.shift = key.altShift; if(EL.keysArray[key.keyCode + ((key.controlKey) ? '-c' : '') + ((key.altKey) ? '-a' : '') + ((key.shiftKey) ? '-s' : '')]) EL.keysArray[key.keyCode + ((key.controlKey) ? '-c' : '') + ((key.altKey) ? '-a' : '') + ((key.shiftKey) ? '-s' : '')](key); }); window.events('keyup', function(e){ var key = (window.event) ? event : e; EL.control = key.controlKey; EL.alt = key.altKey; EL.shift = key.altShift; }); if(EL.E({'rel' : 'ajaxWhileLoading'})[0]){ EL.aWhileLoading = EL.E({'rel' : 'ajaxWhileLoading'})[0]; EL.aWhileLoading.s({'display' : 'none'}); }else EL.aWhileLoading = false; if((EL.hashAddressing) && (EL.loadHashAfterPageDone) && (EL.hashDest != '') && (EL.savedHash != '')){ EL.loadHashedPage(); } var SWFiles = EL.E({'rel' : '_EL_SWFILE'}); if(SWFiles.length > 0) for(var current in SWFiles){ var inpE = SWFiles[current]; sID = JSFunction = (inpE.a('id')) ? inpE.a('id') : '_EL_SELECT_CONT_' + current; window[sID] = function(xsID, actName, fileName, pr1, pr2){ if(actName == 'Progress'){ EL.message(((fileName) ? '[' + fileName + '] ' : '') + actName + ': ' + parseInt(EL.scaleRange(0, ((pr2) ? pr2 : 100000000), ((pr1) ? pr1 : 1), 0, 100)) + '%'); }else if((actName == 'Loaded')){ window[xsID + 'load'](); }else EL.message(((fileName) ? '[' + fileName + '] ' : '') + actName + ((pr1) ? ': ' + pr1 : '') + ' ' + ((pr2) ? ' ' + pr2 : '')); } window[sID + 'load'] = inpE.onload; sParams=inpE.a('ELSWFILE').split('|'); sReceiver = (sParams[0]) ? sParams[0] : 'post.php'; sFilter = (sParams[1]) ? sParams[1] : '*.*'; sDesc = (sParams[2]) ? sParams[2] : 'All files (*.*)'; sPost = (sParams[3]) ? sParams[3] : 'Filedata'; SWFSet = {'width' : inpE.w(), 'height' : inpE.h(), 'allowScriptAccess' : 'always', 'allowNetworking' : 'true', 'swfLiveConnect' : 'true', 'wmode' : 'transparent', 'bgcolor' : 'transparent', 'quality' : 'high', 'scale' : 'noscale'}; inpE.s({'position' : 'relative', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px'}).add('div', {'style' : {'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'width' : inpE.w() + 'px', 'height' : inpE.h() + 'px'}}).addSWF(this.SWFileUpload + '?fileFilter=' + sFilter + '&fileDesc=' + sDesc + '&Receiver=' + sReceiver + '&JSFunction=' + JSFunction + '&PostName=' + sPost, SWFSet); } EL.replaceSelect(); EL.replaceRadio(); EL.replaceCheck(); EL.replaceUpload(); EL.replaceAlert(); window['o']['css'] = {}; this.setChildsToO(window); var xrules = (document.all) ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'; for (var XK = 0; XK < document.styleSheets.length; XK++){ for (var XB = 0; XB < document.styleSheets[XK][xrules].length; XB++){ window['o']['css'][document.styleSheets[XK][xrules][XB].selectorText] = document.styleSheets[XK][xrules][XB].style; } } EL._replaceAHrefToHash(); // window['o']['w'] = window; // window['o']['d'] = document; // window['o']['a'] = EL.E({'tag' : 'a'}); // window['o']['div'] = EL.E({'tag' : 'div'}); // window['o']['img'] = EL.E({'tag' : 'img'}); } }, showWindow : function(width, height, title, sUrl, closeImage){ var MW = document.createElement('div'); MW.id = 'ELpWindow'; MW.setAttribute('style', 'display:table; position:fixed; top:50%; left:50%; margin-left:-' + parseInt(width / 2) + 'px; margin-top:-' + parseInt(height / 2) + 'px; width:' + width + 'px; padding:5px; z-index:5001; '); document.body.appendChild(MW); var MWBg = document.createElement('div'); MWBg.id = 'ELpWindowBG'; MWBg.setAttribute('style', 'position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:5000; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); '); document.body.appendChild(MWBg); var MWbg = document.createElement('div'); MWbg.id = 'ELwindowBg'; MW.appendChild(MWbg); var MWins = document.createElement('div'); MWins.id = 'ELwindowIns'; MW.appendChild(MWins); var MWinsIn = document.createElement('div'); MWinsIn.setAttribute('style', 'position:relative; '); MWins.appendChild(MWinsIn); var MWSpan = document.createElement('span'); MWSpan.innerHTML = title; MWinsIn.appendChild(MWSpan); var MWimg = document.createElement('img'); MWimg.src = closeImage; MWimg.setAttribute('onclick', 'document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("ELpWindowBG")); document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("ELpWindow")); '); MWimg.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; top:-4px; right:-4px; '); MWinsIn.appendChild(MWimg); var MWIframe = document.createElement('iframe'); MWIframe.id = 'windowFrame'; MWIframe.setAttribute('style', 'width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px; '); if(sUrl){ MWIframe.src = sUrl; } MWinsIn.appendChild(MWIframe); }, closeWindow : function(){ if(document.getElementById("ELpWindow")){ document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("ELpWindowBG")); document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("ELpWindow")); } }, closeWindowAfterAlert : function(alertString){ document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("ELpWindowBG")); document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("ELpWindow")); alert(alertString); }, datePicker : function(targetDateField, displayBelowThisObject, dtFormat, dtSep){ if (!displayBelowThisObject) displayBelowThisObject = targetDateField; defaultDateSeparator = (dtSep) ? dtSep : EL.defaultDateSeparator; defaultDateFormat = (dtFormat) ? dtFormat : EL.defaultDateFormat; var x = displayBelowThisObject.offsetLeft; var y = displayBelowThisObject.offsetTop + displayBelowThisObject.offsetHeight ; var parent = displayBelowThisObject; while (parent.offsetParent){ parent = parent.offsetParent; x += parent.offsetLeft; y += parent.offsetTop ; } EL.drawDatePicker(targetDateField, x, y); }, drawDatePicker : function(targetDateField, x, y){ var dt = EL.getFieldDate(targetDateField.value); if (! document.getElementById(EL.ELpickerDIV)){ var newNode = document.createElement("div"); newNode.setAttribute("id", EL.ELpickerDIV); newNode.setAttribute("class", "dpDiv"); newNode.setAttribute("style", "visibility: hidden;"); document.body.appendChild(newNode); } var pickerDiv = document.getElementById(EL.ELpickerDIV); pickerDiv.style.position = "absolute"; pickerDiv.style.left = x + "px"; pickerDiv.style.top = y + "px"; pickerDiv.style.visibility = (pickerDiv.style.visibility == "visible" ? "hidden" : "visible"); pickerDiv.style.display = (pickerDiv.style.display == "block" ? "none" : "block"); pickerDiv.style.zIndex = 10000; EL.refreshDatePicker(targetDateField.name, dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate()); }, refreshDatePicker : function(dateFieldName, year, month, day){ var thisDay = new Date(); if ((month >= 0) && (year > 0)){ thisDay = new Date(year, month, 1); }else{ day = thisDay.getDate(); thisDay.setDate(1); } var crlf = "\r\n"; var TABLE = "" + crlf; var xTABLE = "
" + crlf; var TR = ""; var TR_title = ""; var TR_days = ""; var TR_todaybutton = ""; var xTR = "" + crlf; var TD = ""; html += (dayNum == day) ? TD_selected + TD_onclick + DIV_selected + dayNum + xDIV + xTD : TD + TD_onclick + dayNum + xTD; html += (thisDay.getDay() == 6) ? xTR + TR : ''; thisDay.setDate(thisDay.getDate() + 1); }while (thisDay.getDate() > 1) if(thisDay.getDay() > 0){ for (i = 6; i > thisDay.getDay(); i--) html += TD + " " + xTD; } html += xTR; var today = new Date(); var todayString = "Today is " + EL.dayArrayMed[today.getDay()] + ", " + EL.monthArrayMed[ today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getDate(); html += TR_todaybutton + TD_todaybutton; html += " "; html += ""; html += xTD + xTR; html += xTABLE; document.getElementById(EL.ELpickerDIV).innerHTML = html; }, getButtonCode : function(dateFieldName, dateVal, adjust, label){ var newMonth = (dateVal.getMonth () + adjust) % 12; var newYear = dateVal.getFullYear() + parseInt((dateVal.getMonth() + adjust) / 12); if (newMonth < 0){ newMonth += 12; newYear += -1; } return ""; }, getDateString : function(dateVal){ var dayString = "00" + dateVal.getDate(); var monthString = "00" + (dateVal.getMonth()+1); dayString = dayString.substring(dayString.length - 2); monthString = monthString.substring(monthString.length - 2); switch (defaultDateFormat) { case "dmy" : return dayString + defaultDateSeparator + monthString + defaultDateSeparator + dateVal.getFullYear(); case "ymd" : return dateVal.getFullYear() + defaultDateSeparator + monthString + defaultDateSeparator + dayString; case "mdy" : default : return monthString + defaultDateSeparator + dayString + defaultDateSeparator + dateVal.getFullYear(); } }, getFieldDate : function(dateString){ var dateVal, dArray, d, m, y; try{ dArray = EL.splitDateString(dateString); if (dArray){ switch(defaultDateFormat){ case "dmy" : d = parseInt(dArray[0], 10); m = parseInt(dArray[1], 10) - 1; y = parseInt(dArray[2], 10); break; case "ymd" : d = parseInt(dArray[2], 10); m = parseInt(dArray[1], 10) - 1; y = parseInt(dArray[0], 10); break; case "mdy" : default : d = parseInt(dArray[1], 10); m = parseInt(dArray[0], 10) - 1; y = parseInt(dArray[2], 10); break; } dateVal = new Date(y, m, d); }else if(dateString){ dateVal = new Date(dateString); }else{ dateVal = new Date(); } }catch(e){ dateVal = new Date(); } return dateVal; }, splitDateString : function(dateString){ var dArray; if (dateString.indexOf("/") >= 0) dArray = dateString.split("/"); else if (dateString.indexOf(".") >= 0) dArray = dateString.split("."); else if (dateString.indexOf("-") >= 0) dArray = dateString.split("-"); else if (dateString.indexOf("\\") >= 0) dArray = dateString.split("\\"); else dArray = false; return dArray; }, updateDateField : function(dateFieldName, dateString){ var targetDateField = document.getElementsByName (dateFieldName).item(0); if (dateString) targetDateField.value = dateString; var pickerDiv = document.getElementById(EL.ELpickerDIV); pickerDiv.style.visibility = "hidden"; pickerDiv.style.display = "none"; targetDateField.focus(); if(typeof targetDateField.onchange == 'function') targetDateField.onchange(); if ((dateString) && (typeof(datePickerClosed) == "function")) datePickerClosed(targetDateField); }, _replaceAHrefToHash : function(){ aobjs = EL.T('a'); if(EL.replaceAHrefToHash){ for(ai in aobjs) if((aobjs[ai]) && (aobjs[ai].href)) if((aobjs[ai].href.indexOf('#') == -1) && (aobjs[ai].target != '_blank') && (aobjs[ai].a('el') != 'none') && (aobjs[ai].rel != 'NoEL') && (aobjs[ai].href.toUpperCase().substr(0, 4) != 'JAVA')){ newaddress = aobjs[ai].href.split('/'); xnewaddress = []; for(i = 0; i < newaddress.length - 3; i++){ xnewaddress[i] = newaddress[(i + 3)]; } aobjs[ai].href = '#/' + xnewaddress.join('/'); } } }, _makeMenuIn : function(element, depth){ for(var current in element.childNodes) if(element.childNodes[current].tagName == 'LI'){ inpE = element.childNodes[current]; cLevel = depth + 1; do{ }while(typeof EL.defaultStyles.menubar[--cLevel] == 'undefined'); inpE.ELprop = { absDepth : depth, depth : cLevel, def : 'position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; ' + EL.defaultStyles.menubar[cLevel].def, hover : EL.defaultStyles.menubar[cLevel].hover }; inpE.setAttribute('style', 'position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; ' + EL.defaultStyles.menubar[cLevel].def); inpE.mOver(function(){ this.setAttribute('style', this.ELprop.def + this.ELprop.hover); for(var lis in this.childNodes) if((this.childNodes[lis].tagName == 'UL') && (this.childNodes[lis].none())) this.childNodes[lis].s({'display' : 'block'}); }); inpE.mOut(function(){ this.setAttribute('style', this.ELprop.def); for(var lis in this.childNodes) if(this.childNodes[lis].tagName == 'UL'){ cLevel = this.ELprop.depth + 2; do{ }while(typeof EL.defaultStyles.menubar[--cLevel] == 'undefined'); this.childNodes[lis].setAttribute('style', EL.defaultStyles.menubar[cLevel].ul); } }); for(var lis in inpE.childNodes) if(inpE.childNodes[lis].tagName == 'UL'){ cLevel = depth + 2; do{ }while(typeof EL.defaultStyles.menubar[--cLevel] == 'undefined'); inpE.childNodes[lis].setAttribute('style', EL.defaultStyles.menubar[cLevel].ul); EL._makeMenuIn(inpE.childNodes[lis], (depth + 1)); } } }, makeMenu : function(menuID){ if(EL.$(menuID).tagName != 'UL'){ return false; } elm = EL.$(menuID); elm.ELprop = { opened : false, timer : false }; elm.setAttribute('style', EL.defaultStyles.menubar[0].ul); elm.mOver(function(){ // this.ELprop.timer = setTimeout("alert('alma'); ", 2000); }); EL._makeMenuIn(elm, 0); }, loadSelectOptions : function(selectObject, fromUrl, reload){ if(typeof reload == 'undefined'){ reload = true; } if(reload){ while (selectObject.options.length > 0) selectObject.options[0]=null; } savedSync = this.aIsAsync; this.aIsAsync = false; eval(EL.aReq(fromUrl)); this.aIsAsync = savedSync; xi = 0; if(optionsReturn){ for(i in optionsReturn) selectObject.options[xi++] = new Option(optionsReturn[i], i); selectObject.options.selectedIndex=0; } }, replaceUpload : function(){ if((this.replaceFileUpload) && (currents = this.E({'tag' : 'INPUT', 'type' : 'file'}))) for(var current in currents) if((currents[current].type) && (! currents[current].a('_EL_CONT_ID')) && (currents[current].getAttribute('EL'))){ var inpE = currents[current]; if(this.multipleFileUpload){ inpE.setAttribute('multiple', 'On'); if(inpE.name.substr((inpE.name.length - 2), 2) != '[]') inpE.name += '[]'; } inpE.events('change', function(){ EL.$(this.getAttribute('_EL_CONT_ID')).firstChild.nodeValue = EL.fileUploadSelectedText.replace('%F', this.value); EL.$(this.getAttribute('_EL_FCONT_ID')).s({'width' : EL.$(this.getAttribute('_EL_CONT_ID')).w() + 'px'}); }); dID = '_EL_FILE_CONT_' + current; daID = '_EL_FILE_FCONT_' + current; inpE.s({'opacity' : '.01', 'fontSize' : '100pt'}).add('div', { 'value' : this.fileUploadEmptyText, 'id' : dID, 'style' : { 'display' : 'inline', 'position' : 'relative', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'padding' : '2px' }}, 'after').add('div', { 'id' : daID, 'style' : { 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'overflow' : 'hidden', 'width' : this.$(dID).w() + 'px', 'height' : this.$(dID).h() + 'px' }}).appendChild(inpE); inpE.setAttribute('_EL_CONT_ID', dID); inpE.setAttribute('_EL_FCONT_ID', daID); } }, replaceRadio : function(){ if((EL.replaceRadioBox) && (currents = EL.E({'tag' : 'INPUT', 'type' : 'radio'}))) for(var current in currents) if((currents[current].type) && (! currents[current].a('_EL_RADIO_CONT')) && (currents[current].getAttribute('EL').upper() == 'true')){ var inpE = currents[current]; 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EL.hashDest : EL.aDest)).innerHTML = EL.aWhileLoading.innerHTML; if(EL.hashLoading){ xmlhttp[mxx].onreadystatechange = function(){ switch(this.readyState){ case 2: this.aHashOnSend; break; case 4: this.aHashOnLoad; if(this.status == 200){ EL.aReqProc(this.responseText, EL.hashDest, this.aDestFunction); }else{ this.onError('HTTP Error Making Request: ' + '[' + xmlhttp.status + ']' + xmlhttp.statusText); } EL.hashLoading = false; EL.aReqType = EL.savedaReqType; EL.aDestFunction = false; break; } } }else{ xmlhttp[mxx].onreadystatechange = function(){ switch(this.readyState){ case 2: this.aOnSend; break; case 4: this.aOnLoad; if(this.status == 200){ EL.aReqProc(this.responseText, EL.aDest, this.aDestFunction); }else{ this.onError('HTTP Error Making Request: ' + '[' + xmlhttp.status + ']' + xmlhttp.statusText); } EL.aDestFunction = false; break; } } } // alert(this.aReqType + ', ' + url + ', ' + this.aIsAsync); xmlhttp[mxx].open(this.aReqType, url, this.aIsAsync); if((form) && (aReqType == 'POST')){ var xParam = this.getquerystring(form); xmlhttp[mxx].setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlhttp[mxx].setRequestHeader("Content-length", xParam.length); xmlhttp[mxx].setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); xmlhttp[mxx].send(xParam); }else{ xmlhttp[mxx].send(null); } if(!this.aIsAsync){ return xmlhttp[mxx].responseText; } } }, aReqRaw : function(url, form, destFunction){ reloadFormVar = false; if(typeof form == 'object'){ if(typeof form['reqType'] == 'string'){ reqType = form['reqType']; reloadFormVar = true; } if(typeof form['destFunction'] == 'function'){ destFunction = form['destFunction']; reloadFormVar = true; } if((typeof form['form'] == 'object') || (typeof form['form'] == 'string')){ xform = form['form']; reloadFormVar = true; } if(typeof form['async'] == 'boolean'){ this.aOptions.aIsAsync = form['async']; reloadFormVar = true; } if(typeof form['silentLoad'] == 'boolean'){ this.aOptions.silentLoad = form['silentLoad']; reloadFormVar = true; } } if(reloadFormVar){ form = false; if((typeof xform == 'object') || (typeof xform == 'string')) form = xform; } }, _array2urlquery : function(pObj, pPre){ toRet = []; for(pi in pObj) toRet[toRet.length] = (typeof pObj[pi] == 'object') ? this._array2urlquery(pObj, pPre + '[' + pi + ']') : toRet[toRet.length] = pPre + pi + '=' + pObj[pi]; return toRet.join('&'); }, array2urlquery : function(pObj){ toRet = (typeof pObj == 'object') ? this._array2urlquery(pObj, '') : ''; return toRet; }, getquerystring : function(formname){ var form = document.forms[formname]; var qstr = ""; function GetElemValue(name, value){ qstr += (qstr.length > 0 ? 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events : {}; sParams.d = this._path; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('path', sParams, toGroup); this._path = ''; return this; }, fillPath : function(id, events, sFill, toGroup){ this._path += 'z'; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.d = this._path; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('path', sParams, toGroup); this._path = ''; return this; }, drawPath : function(id, events, sFill, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ this._path += 'z'; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.d = this._path; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('path', sParams, toGroup); this._path = ''; return this; }, strokeRect : function(x, y, width, height, radX, radY, id, events, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !width || !height) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.x = x; sParams.y = y; sParams.width = width; sParams.height = height; sParams.rx = radX; sParams.ry = radY; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('rect', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, fillRect : function(x, y, width, height, radX, radY, id, events, sFill, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !width || !height) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.x = x; sParams.y = y; sParams.width = width; sParams.height = height; sParams.rx = radX; sParams.ry = radY; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('rect', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, drawRect : function(x, y, width, height, radX, radY, id, events, sFill, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !width || !height) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.x = x; sParams.y = y; sParams.width = width; sParams.height = height; sParams.rx = radX; sParams.ry = radY; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('rect', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, strokeCircle : function(x, y, r, id, events, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !r) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.cx = x; sParams.cy = y; sParams.r = r; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('circle', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, fillCircle : function(x, y, r, id, events, sFill, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !r) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.cx = x; sParams.cy = y; sParams.r = r; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('circle', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, drawCircle : function(x, y, r, id, events, sFill, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !r) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.cx = x; sParams.cy = y; sParams.r = r; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('circle', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, strokeEllipse : function(x, y, radX, radY, id, events, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !radX || !radY) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.cx = x; sParams.cy = y; sParams.rx = radX; sParams.ry = radY; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('ellipse', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, fillEllipse : function(x, y, radX, radY, id, events, sFill, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !radX || !radY) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.cx = x; sParams.cy = y; sParams.rx = radX; sParams.ry = radY; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('ellipse', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, drawEllipse : function(x, y, radX, radY, id, events, sFill, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !radX || !radY) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.cx = x; sParams.cy = y; sParams.rx = radX; sParams.ry = radY; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('ellipse', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, line : function(x1, y1, x2, y2, id, events, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ if(!x || !y || !radX || !radY) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.x1 = x1; sParams.y1 = y1; sParams.x2 = x2; sParams.y2 = y2; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('line', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, movePolylineTo : function(x, y){ this._polyline = x + ', ' + y; return this; }, linePolylineTo : function(x, y){ this._polyline += ' ' + x + ', ' + y; return this; }, strokePolyline : function(id, events, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.points = this._polyline; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('polyline', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, movePolygonTo : function(x, y){ this._polygon = x + ', ' + y; return this; }, linePolygonTo : function(x, y){ this._polygon += ' ' + x + ', ' + y; return this; }, strokePolygon : function(id, events, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.points = this._polygon; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('polyline', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, fillPolygon : function(id, events, sFill){ sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.points = this._polygon; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('polyline', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, drawPolygon : function(id, events, sFill, sStroke, sStrokeWidth, toGroup){ sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.points = this._polygon; sParams.fill = sFill ? sFill : this.fillStyle; sParams.stroke = sStroke ? sStroke : this.strokeStyle; sParams['stroke-width'] = sStrokeWidth ? sStrokeWidth : this.lineWidth; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('polyline', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, span : function(text, fStyle, toGroup, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust, id, events){ fStyle = EL.setFontStyle(fStyle); sParams = (events) ? events : {}; if(x){sParams.x = x;} if(y){sParams.y = y;} if(dx){sParams.dx = dx;} if(dy){sParams.dy = dy;} if(rotate){sParams.rotate = rotate;} if(textLength){sParams.textLength = textLength;} if(lengthAdjust){sParams.lengthAdjust = lengthAdjust;} sParams.setData = text; sParams.style = fStyle; if(id){sParams.id = id}; obj.iDoc().drawObject('tspan', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, text : function(x, y, id, events, toGroup){ if(! id) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.x = x; sParams.y = y; sParams.id = id; obj.iDoc().drawObject('text', sParams, toGroup); return this; }, textToPath : function(text, startOffset, method, spacing, destinationID, fStyle, id, events, toGroup){ if(!id || destinationID) return false; sParams = (events) ? events : {}; sParams.startOffset = startOffset; sParams.method = method; sParams.spacing = spacing; sParams['xlink:href'] = '#' + destinationID; sParams.id = id; sParams.innerTEXT = text; sParams.style = fStyle; obj.iDoc().drawObject('textPath', sParams, toGroup); return this; } }; }, canvas4IEInit : function(){ if((this.ieCanvasInit) && (this.browser['IE']) && (! document.createElement('canvas').getContext)){ document.namespaces.add('elvml', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml', '#default#VML'); document.namespaces.add('elvmlo', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office', '#default#VML'); ELVML = document.createElement('object'); ELVML.id = 'VMLRender'; ELVML.codebase = 'vgx.dll'; ELVML.classid = 'CLSID:10072CEC-8CC1-11D1-986E-00A0C955B42E'; document.body.appendChild(ELVML); if (! document.styleSheets['Canvas4IE']){ var ss = document.createStyleSheet(); ss.owningElement.id = 'Canvas4IE'; ss.cssText = 'canvas {display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; text-align:left; width:300px; height:150px} elvml\\:*{behavior:url(#default#VML)} elvmlo\\:*{behavior:url(#default#VML)}'; } canv = this.E({'tag' : 'canvas'}); for(var canvKey in canv){ var icanv = canv[canvKey]; nd = document.createElement('canvas'); nd.getContext = function(){ return new Canvas4IE(this); }; nd.id = icanv.id; if(icanv.attributes.width && icanv.attributes.width.specified) nd.style.width = icanv.attributes.width.nodeValue + 'px'; if(icanv.attributes.height && icanv.attributes.height.specified) nd.style.height = icanv.attributes.height.nodeValue + 'px'; nd.style.position = 'relative'; nd.style.overflow = 'hidden'; icanv.parentNode.replaceChild(nd, icanv); } } }, addStaticFunction : function(funcName, func){ delete EL.staticFunctions[funcName]; delete EL.staticFunctionArgs[funcName]; EL.staticFunctions[funcName] = func; EL.staticFunctionArgs[funcName] = new Array(); for(i=2; i 0) ? 0 : newPos; content.s({top : newPos + 'px'}); }, scrollPageUp : function(container, content, step, clObject){ EL._scrollPageUp(container, content, step); if(clObject){ EL.xVar1 = setInterval(function(){ EL._scrollPageUp(container, content, step); }, 20); clObject.events('mouseup', function(){clearInterval(EL.xVar1); }); } }, _scrollPageDown : function(container, content, step){ step = (step) ? step : 3; container = (typeof container == 'object') ? container : EL.$(container); content = (typeof content == 'object') ? content : EL.$(content); if(container.h() < content.h()){ newPos = parseInt(content.style.top) - step; newPos = ((container.h() + Math.abs(newPos)) > content.h()) ? 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(elmnt.style['el' + chs + 'FadeArray'].length - 1) : elmnt.style['el' + chs + 'Actual']; elmnt.style['el' + chs + 'Timer']=setTimeout('window["' + xUID + '"].fade' + chs.ucFirst() + '()', EL.refreshTimeInMiliSec); }else{ clearTimeout(elmnt.style['el' + chs + 'Timer']); } }, fade : function(element, action, curval){ if(! curval) curval = 0; if((element.rgworking == 'countup') || (element.rgworking == 'countdown')){ doAction = false; for(var stin in action){ saction = action[stin]['fade']; if(! action[stin]['unit']) action[stin]['unit'] = ''; if(EL.isNumeric(saction[curval])){ element[stin] = EL.scaleRange(0, 1, saction[curval], action[stin]['from'], action[stin]['to']) + action[stin]['unit']; doAction = true; } } if(doAction){ curval += (element.rgworking == 'countup') ? +1 : -1; xvar='fade' + EL.rand(1, 999999); EL.addDynamicFunction(xvar, function(rxvar, xelement, xaction, xcurval){ EL.fade(xelement, xaction, xcurval); }, element, action, curval); }else{ element.rgworking=''; } }else if(element.rgworking == 'finnish'){ for(var stin in action){ if(! action[stin]['unit']) action[stin]['unit'] = ''; element[stin] = action[stin]['to'] + action[stin]['unit']; } element[styleTag] = endVal + styleUnit; element.rgworking=''; }else if(element.rgworking == 'suspend'){ setTimeout(function(){EL.fade(element, action, curval)}, EL.refreshTimeInMiliSec); } }, toFade : function(fadeType){ if(fadeType == _LINEAR_FADE){ ret = new Array(); for(i=0; i fTolerance); ret[i] = xInit = xNr; } return ret; } }, fadeSet : function(fadeArray, count, min, max, xID){ try{ if(EL.isNumeric(fadeArray[count])){ window[xID]['fade'] = 1; ret = EL.scaleRange(0, 1, fadeArray[count], min, max); }else ret = max; }catch(e){ret = min} return ret; }, imager : function(xID, content, count, deep){ cc = window[xID]['cc']; gr = window[xID]['gr']; if(! deep) deep = 0; if((deep == 0) && (! content.noClear)){ cc.clearRect(0, 0, EL.$(xID).w(), EL.$(xID).h()); } for(var command in content){ pr = content[command]; if(command == 'group'){ cc.save(); EL.imager(xID, pr, count, (deep + 1)); cc.restore(); }else if(command == 'save'){ cc.save(); 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}else if(command == 'fill'){ if(pr.r && pr.g && pr.b && pr.a){ pr.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.rFade, count, pr.r, pr.rTo, xID)); pr.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.gFade, count, pr.g, pr.gTo, xID)); pr.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.bFade, count, pr.b, pr.bTo, xID)); pr.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.aFade, count, pr.a, pr.aTo, xID); cc.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + pr.r + ', ' + pr.g + ', ' + pr.b + ', ' + pr.a + ')'; } cc.fill(); }else if(command == 'stroke'){ if(pr.r && pr.g && pr.b && pr.a){ pr.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.rFade, count, pr.r, pr.rTo, xID)); pr.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.gFade, count, pr.g, pr.gTo, xID)); pr.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.bFade, count, pr.b, pr.bTo, xID)); pr.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.aFade, count, pr.a, pr.aTo, xID); cc.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + pr.r + ', ' + pr.g + ', ' + pr.b + ', ' + pr.a + ')'; } if(pr.weight) cc.lineWidth = EL.fadeSet(pr.weightFade, count, pr.weight, pr.weightTo, xID); cc.stroke(); }else if(command == 'opacity'){ cc.globalAlpha = EL.fadeSet(pr.Fade, count, pr.opacity, pr.opacityTo, xID); }else if(command == 'rectangle'){ if(pr.behindFill){ if(pr.stroke){ if(pr.stroke.r && pr.stroke.g && pr.stroke.b && pr.stroke.a){ pr.stroke.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.rFade, count, pr.stroke.r, pr.stroke.rTo, xID)); pr.stroke.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.gFade, count, pr.stroke.g, pr.stroke.gTo, xID)); pr.stroke.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.bFade, count, pr.stroke.b, pr.stroke.bTo, xID)); pr.stroke.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.aFade, count, pr.stroke.a, pr.stroke.aTo, xID); cc.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + pr.stroke.r + ', ' + pr.stroke.g + ', ' + pr.stroke.b + ', ' + pr.stroke.a + ')'; } if(pr.stroke.weight) cc.lineWidth(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.weightFade, count, pr.stroke.weight, pr.stroke.weightTo, xID)); cc.strokeRect( EL.fadeSet(pr.xFade, count, pr.x, pr.xTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.yFade, count, pr.y, pr.yTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.wFade, count, pr.w, pr.wTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.hFade, count, pr.h, pr.hTo, xID) ); } if(pr.fill){ if(pr.fill.r && pr.fill.g && pr.fill.b && pr.fill.a){ pr.fill.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.rFade, count, pr.fill.r, pr.fill.rTo, xID)); pr.fill.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.gFade, count, pr.fill.g, pr.fill.gTo, xID)); pr.fill.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.bFade, count, pr.fill.b, pr.fill.bTo, xID)); pr.fill.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.aFade, count, pr.fill.a, pr.fill.aTo, xID); cc.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + pr.fill.r + ', ' + pr.fill.g + ', ' + pr.fill.b + ', ' + pr.fill.a + ')'; } cc.fillRect( EL.fadeSet(pr.xFade, count, pr.x, pr.xTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.yFade, count, pr.y, pr.yTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.wFade, count, pr.w, pr.wTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.hFade, count, pr.h, pr.hTo, xID) ); } }else{ if(pr.fill){ if(pr.fill.r && pr.fill.g && pr.fill.b && pr.fill.a){ pr.fill.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.rFade, count, pr.fill.r, pr.fill.rTo, xID)); pr.fill.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.gFade, count, pr.fill.g, pr.fill.gTo, xID)); pr.fill.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.bFade, count, pr.fill.b, pr.fill.bTo, xID)); pr.fill.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.fill.aFade, count, pr.fill.a, pr.fill.aTo, xID); cc.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + pr.fill.r + ', ' + pr.fill.g + ', ' + pr.fill.b + ', ' + pr.fill.a + ')'; } cc.fillRect( EL.fadeSet(pr.xFade, count, pr.x, pr.xTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.yFade, count, pr.y, pr.yTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.wFade, count, pr.w, pr.wTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.hFade, count, pr.h, pr.hTo, xID) ); } if(pr.stroke){ if(pr.stroke.r && pr.stroke.g && pr.stroke.b && pr.stroke.a){ pr.stroke.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.rFade, count, pr.stroke.r, pr.stroke.rTo, xID)); pr.stroke.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.gFade, count, pr.stroke.g, pr.stroke.gTo, xID)); pr.stroke.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.bFade, count, pr.stroke.b, pr.stroke.bTo, xID)); pr.stroke.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.aFade, count, pr.stroke.a, pr.stroke.aTo, xID); cc.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + pr.stroke.r + ', ' + pr.stroke.g + ', ' + pr.stroke.b + ', ' + pr.stroke.a + ')'; } if(pr.stroke.weight) cc.lineWidth(EL.fadeSet(pr.stroke.weightFade, count, pr.stroke.weight, pr.stroke.weightTo, xID)); cc.strokeRect( EL.fadeSet(pr.xFade, count, pr.x, pr.xTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.yFade, count, pr.y, pr.yTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.wFade, count, pr.w, pr.wTo, xID), EL.fadeSet(pr.hFade, count, pr.h, pr.hTo, xID) ); } } }else if(command == 'shadow'){ if(pr.shadow.x) cc.shadowOffsetX = EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.xFade, count, pr.shadow.x, pr.shadow.xTo, xID); if(pr.shadow.y) cc.shadowOffsetY = EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.yFade, count, pr.shadow.y, pr.shadow.yTo, xID); if(pr.shadow.blur) cc.shadowBlur = EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.blurFade, count, pr.shadow.blur, pr.shadow.blurTo, xID); if(pr.shadow.r && pr.shadow.g && pr.shadow.b && pr.shadow.a){ pr.shadow.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.rFade, count, pr.shadow.r, pr.shadow.rTo, xID)); pr.shadow.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.gFade, count, pr.shadow.g, pr.shadow.gTo, xID)); pr.shadow.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.bFade, count, pr.shadow.b, pr.shadow.bTo, xID)); pr.shadow.a = EL.fadeSet(pr.shadow.aFade, count, pr.shadow.a, pr.shadow.aTo, xID); cc.shadowColor = 'rgba(' + pr.shadow.r + ', ' + pr.shadow.g + ', ' + pr.shadow.b + ', ' + pr.shadow.a + ')'; } }else if(command == 'grandient' && pr.colors){ canGo = false; if(pr.style == 'linear' && pr.sx && pr.sy && pr.dx && pr.dy){ pr.sx = EL.fadeSet(pr.sxFade, count, pr.sx, pr.sxTo, xID); pr.sy = EL.fadeSet(pr.syFade, count, pr.sy, pr.syTo, xID); pr.dx = EL.fadeSet(pr.dxFade, count, pr.dx, pr.dxTo, xID); pr.dy = EL.fadeSet(pr.dyFade, count, pr.dy, pr.dyTo, xID); gr[gr.length] = cc.createLinearGradient(pr.sx, pr.sy, pr.dx, pr.dy); canGo = true; }else if(pr.style == 'radial' && pr.sx && pr.sy && pr.sr && pr.dx && pr.dy && pr.dr){ pr.sx = EL.fadeSet(pr.sxFade, count, pr.sx, pr.sxTo, xID); pr.sy = EL.fadeSet(pr.syFade, count, pr.sy, pr.syTo, xID); pr.sr = EL.fadeSet(pr.srFade, count, pr.sr, pr.srTo, xID); pr.dx = EL.fadeSet(pr.dxFade, count, pr.dx, pr.dxTo, xID); pr.dy = EL.fadeSet(pr.dyFade, count, pr.dy, pr.dyTo, xID); pr.dr = EL.fadeSet(pr.drFade, count, pr.dr, pr.drTo, xID); gr[gr.length] = cc.createRadialGradient(pr.sx, pr.sy, pr.sr, pr.dx, pr.dy, pr.dr); canGo = true; } if(canGo){ for(clKey in pr.colors){ clrs = pr.colors[clKey]; if(clrs.r && clrs.g && clrs.b){ clrs.r = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(clrs.rFade, count, clrs.r, clrs.rTo, xID)); clrs.g = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(clrs.gFade, count, clrs.g, clrs.gTo, xID)); clrs.b = parseInt(EL.fadeSet(clrs.bFade, count, clrs.b, clrs.bTo, xID)); color = '#' + EL.toClHex(clrs.r) + EL.toClHex(clrs.g) + EL.toClHex(clrs.b); } if(color && clrs.pos){ gr[(gr.length - 1)].addColorStop(clrs.pos, color); delete color; } } } }else if(command == 'convertpixels'){ pr.x = EL.fadeSet(pr.xFade, count, pr.x, pr.xTo, xID); pr.y = EL.fadeSet(pr.yFade, count, pr.y, pr.yTo, yID); pr.w = EL.fadeSet(pr.wFade, count, pr.w, pr.wTo, wID); pr.h = EL.fadeSet(pr.hFade, count, pr.h, pr.hTo, hID); var imgd = cc.getImageData(pr.x, pr.y, pr.w, pr.h); var pix = imgd.data; for(var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4){ if(pr.r) eval('pix[i] = ' + pr.r.replace('r', 'pix[i]').replace('R', 'pix[i]') + ';'); if(pr.g) eval('pix[i + 1] = ' + pr.r.replace('g', 'pix[i + 1]').replace('G', 'pix[i + 1]') + ';'); if(pr.b) eval('pix[i + 2] = ' + pr.r.replace('b', 'pix[i + 2]').replace('B', 'pix[i + 2]') + ';'); if(pr.a) eval('pix[i + 3] = ' + pr.r.replace('a', 'pix[i + 3]').replace('A', 'pix[i + 3]') + ';'); 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